Greetings from ESMERALDA

The entire ESMERALDA team wishes you happy end of year celebrations with your friends and family.

We look forward to 2025 a year with many challenges and wonderful perspectives ahead!

As a treat for the eye, some art from space. Our partner mundialis kindly let us use this image of the Mont Blanc located in France and Italy.

“For this land/water composition, channels 8A (visible and near infrared), 11 (short-wave infrared) and 4 (visible red) were used. Healthy vegetation appears in orange and older vegetation in green. The ground and clouds also appear in different shades of green. Water is painted in shades of blue while ice appears in dynamic magenta. As the bands 8A and 11 are only available in a 20 m resolution, they were sharpened using pan image sharpening. For this purpose, a pseudo-panchromatic band was used, which was generated from the bands that are available in a 10 m resolution (bands 2, 3, 4 and 8).”


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